Privacy & Copyright

Logo, layout and contents of the website are the exclusive property of Italris srl.

All trademarks mentioned on the site belong exclusively to their respective owners.

Users have the right to visit the Site for consultation and personal information purposes, the citation, intended as a link from an external site to the home page of the Site, the deep linking, intended as the link to an internal page of the Site, the framing , intended as reproduction on a third-party site of the content, even if only partial, of the Site, are allowed to any interested parties with an express mention of the source.

Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data, formerly art.10 law 675/1996) we inform you that any personal data provided by email, telephone or other means of communication activated through the indications of the website will be used by Italris srl (owner of the data processing where the rights provided for by Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 can be exercised) exclusively to offer booking or information services.
The treatment will be carried out through paper and / or computerized methods.

For further information regarding your privacy rights, please visit the website of the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data at
